Sustainable production

Data Intelligence is committed to helping the industry making more sustainable choices. Digitalizing is part of the solution.

Sustainable production is a “need to have”

The green agenda is here to stay. Climate changes are the reason that authorities and companies all over the world have turned their attention to sustainable solutions. That means that their suppliers must be sustainable as well. Focusing on sustainability in your production is not just an option. If you want to stay in the competition, you must think green.

How DIAP leads you in the sustainable direction

Data Intelligence provides manufacturing companies with a tangible solution for working actively with sustainability. By collecting, analyzing, and visualizing production data, DIAP gives you a clear overview of areas of improvement.

An overview that will let you reduce waste, minimize the use of resources, and improve efficiency – benefitting the bottom line, but also the environment.

Complying with requirements and standards in the industry

Many companies are already showing interest in being more sustainable and even more companies will need to be able to live up to their client’s requirements in the future. To a large number of companies, it is a requirement that their suppliers are actively working on creating a more sustainable production and that they can document it.

We support the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Data Intelligence supports the achievement of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals set out by the UN. Working with production facilities, the integration of DIAP will have the most impact on goals 9 and 12.

GOAL 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and foster innovation

By measuring and visualizing parameters such as power consumption, the number of good and rejected products, and your use of raw materials, you will be able to reduce your consumption of materials and power and lower the emission of C02.

GOAL 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

By measuring parameters such as the disposal of waste matters and the use of hazardous materials, DIAP can help you contribute to a reduction of the consumption and discharge of such materials.

Case study: Reducing the discharge of wastewater

At Danish utility company Skanderborg Forsyning, DIAP is used to measure the vibrations of wastewater pumps. Based on the collection and visualization of these data, the company is able to optimize their maintenance efforts by predicting pump failures.

Besides the many environmental advantages connected with the more efficient planning of maintenance, the solution also contributes to the company’s continuous efforts to reduce the unintentional discharge of wastewater and thereby the achievement of SDG no. 6 aiming at ensuring correct treatment of wastewater.

Talk to

Jane Due Hansen

Business Administrator

+45 25 41 79 04