Real-Time Data software application

Only what is measured can be improved. By letting DIAP provide you with real-time production data, you will get an immediate overview of your production. This will let you spot the optimization potential by letting you go from small changes to big savings.

Real-time production insight

With DIAP real-time application, you will be able to spot issues or inefficiencies instantly and make faster and better decisions based on actual real-time production data. You can easily monitor parameters such as:

  • Temperature
  • Humidity
  • Number of produced/rejected units
  • Vibrations
  • Power consumption



Get a closer look

Explore the dashboards and the different features. The real-time data dashboards are user-friendly and display the information you need. Having access to your production data with DIAP helps you obtain a clear insight.


Fact-based overview

monitor different types of parameters


Power consumption

Track power comsumption of machines


Temperature data

Monitor production temperatur & avg temperatur


Humidity data

Moitor humidyty eg. in the room


Manage alarms

set up alarms and send notifications by email or text message


Map overview

The map will alert red when a alarm occur


Compare alarms

Visualize and document alarms to compare alarms

Calculate your increased efficiency

Sometimes it is the little things that matter. Collecting, analyzing, and visualizing data will help you know exactly where to put in the effort to increase your efficiency. All our clients combined have experienced an average increase of 15% after only three months with DIAP. Try our calculator and enter how many units you are currently manufacturing. It will then show you the number of units you can expect to manufacture when you become more efficient.

DIAP efficiency calculator

Produced units per:
Desired increased efficiency

Average increased efficiency 15%*

Result of calculations per day

Case Study: Collection of real-time data pays off immediately

At Smurfit Kappa in Denmark, DIAP is used for collecting real-time data. The set-up was easy and in only 2 days, DIAP has saved the company 8,000 EUR.

Learn more about Smurfit Kappa’s experiences with DIAP and how they are planning to extend the system to cover other areas and projects in the future.

Get started with a free software trial

Experience first-hand why DIAP is the ideal tool for collecting and visualizing real-time data. Download the free 30-day trial and get access to the platform. You are always welcome to reach out to us and have our specialists walk you through the capabilities of the platform and answer your questions.

Talk to

Jane Due Hansen

Business Administrator

+45 25 41 79 04