OEE software application

How well do you know your production? Do you know the overall equipment efficiency (OEE) of your manufacturing line? Are you aware of the reasons for downtime? DIAP OEE software application can provide you with detailed answers to these questions.

Overall Equipment Efficiency

Measuring the Overall Equipment Effectiveness of your production will provide you with a clear picture of how well your equipment is operating. DIAP OEE will give you an overview of:

  • How well your production is running (performance)
  • Reasons and duration of production stops (availability)
  • Total number of accepted and rejected units (quality)

Watch the video and see how the DIAP OEE application works in real life.


Get a closer look

Explore the dashboards and the different features. The OEE data dashboards are user-friendly and display the information you need. Having access to your production data with DIAP helps you obtain a clear insight.


Production status

get a complete overview of your production status



Reasons and duration of production stops



How well your production is running



Total number of accepted and rejected units


Visualize downtime

Why and for how long your equipment has been stopped


Line-specific stop causes

overview of all stop reasons


Sort views

Sort views based on order, product or opreating shift


Apply relevant stops

By applying the relevant stop reason each time a unit is standing still, you will gain a complete overview of why and for how long your equipment has been stopped


Compare production line or sites

eg. compare the same machine at different site


Get an overview of your production speed

View production speed and compare with downtime


Create reports

DIAP OEE will give you access to a number of different report types visualizing OEE.


Export data

Export or print reports in a number of file formats


Build your own OEE report

Design reports as you like (bar, graph, diagram etc.)


Sort as you like

Combine data in different ways (based on order, product, period etc.)


OEE historical report

Create a variety of different reports

Calculate your increased efficiency

Sometimes it is the little things that matter. Collecting, analyzing, and visualizing data will help you know exactly where to put in the effort to increase your efficiency. All our clients combined have experienced an average increase of 15% after only three months with DIAP. Try our calculator and enter how many units you are currently manufacturing. It will then show you the number of units you can expect to manufacture when you become more efficient.

Calculate your increased efficiency

Produced units per:
Desired increased efficiency

Average increased efficiency 15%*

Result of calculations per day

Case study: OEE data increases productivity by 25%

Danish Crown Beef uses DIAP to collect OEE data from 4 lines for production of minced beef. In only 3 months, this has resulted in a productivity increase of 25%.

Get started with a free software trial

Experience first-hand why DIAP is the ideal tool for collecting and visualizing OEE data. Download the free 30-day trial and get access to the platform. You are always welcome to reach out to us and have our specialists walk you through the capabilities of the platform and answer your questions.

Talk to

Jane Due Hansen

Business Administrator

+45 25 41 79 04
