
We create the digital framework for making the most of production lines in the pharma industry.

Digitalizing the pharma industry

The pharma industry is characterized by the need for compliance with regulatory requirements, traceability, and transparency. Research methods are evolving and the pharma industry has many promising prospects on the horizon. The industry is growing and developing.

As one of the most innovative industries, it is not surprising that the industry is leading when it comes to digitalization. It is all in the detail – and every little aspect matters in the pharma production.

A company can have a production running day and night but only manufacture a small quantity that will live up to the extremely high standards. Digitalization is crucial to monitor all details and be able to adjust little things in the production.

Digitalize your production with DIAP

Optimize your production with DIAP. By monitoring all processes, you get a data-based overview that allows you to act where it is needed. Get started today.

Our work within the industry

We have helped several companies digitalize their production. Check out our hero case studies within the pharma industry.

Case study | Novozymes

At Novozymes, DIAP is used to collect and analyze OEE data on 6 packaging lines. In just a few months, this has resulted in an increase in production efficiency.

We use DIAP's dashboards and reports at daily meetings, where we review the stops that have been going on for the past 24 hours. It gives us a much more structured approach to problem solving

Wahib Joseph Abboud, Optimization Lead in Digital Change Management

Other industries we help

Talk to

Jane Due Hansen

Business Administrator

+45 25 41 79 04