Smooth production by tracking stop causes at IBF

DIAP helps ensure smooth production at IBF

At IBF, DIAP is used to track stop causes in the production of enormous pipes that are used to guide the water away during rainstorms. The largest pipe weighs 7.5 tons. Tracking the stops digitally has given the company useful insight that helps reduce downtime. Now, IBF considers installing DIAP on other production lines as well.

Case Study

Tracking stop reasons gives an overview

IBF manufactures many pipes a day and it is crucial to analyze all stops to keep the production running as smooth as possible. According to IBF, they would get nothing else done if they had to supervise the stops manually. Since 2019, the company has been using DIAP to track all stop reasons instead of getting the job done using pen and paper.

After installing DIAP, the employees can easily log the production stops and apply the stop causes.

“We can focus attention to the errors that are time-consuming. Sometimes these problems are not the ones that are the most difficult to solve. The thing is, that if your attention is elsewhere, it is easy to miss that you are spending too long on this, all together, during the day,” says Torben Hansen, Department Manager, IBF.

Adding value for both employees and management

The advantages of using DIAP are noticeable among the employees and the management at IBF.

“The three main advantages of using DIAP are that it is simple, user-friendly and it is easy to get an overview of our production, says Claus Krogh Thuesen,” Process Coordinator at IBF.

The operators are also pleased with the digitalized solution. With DIAP, they can optimize the production flow at all times, while a speedometer is constantly displaying how fast the production is running and if it is good enough. For the operators, this also serves as motivation because they find it interesting to follow.

The simple screen images with production data are useful for everybody to get the overall picture of what is going on.

“DIAP is definitely something we could see elsewhere in our company,” says Claus Krogh Thuesen.

The three main advantages of using DIAP are that it is simple, user-friendly and it is easy to get an overview of our production.

Claus Krogh Thuesen, Process Coordinator, IBF

Watch case video

Watch the full video (in Danish) of IBF using DIAP for tracking stop causes.

The overview of production stops is useful for the entire company. In this way, operators, as well as managers, gain insight into the actual state of the production.

About IBF

IBF produces concrete solutions for the Danish construction industry and since its foundation in 1960 it has been a major partner in connection with construction for companies in both the private and public sectors.

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Jane Due Hansen

Business Administrator

+45 25 41 79 04