How data collection can help create more sustainable production patterns

By collecting production data, companies can reduce their use of resources and create a more sustainable production.

Most manufacturing companies are highly concerned with reducing their environmental impact. And with good reason. Large parts of many production facilities continue to be partly inefficient with unused production capacity and undue consumption of resources. However, by collecting and analyzing production data, companies can get an easy overview of important production parameters. An overview that will allow them to optimize production efficiency and ultimately to create a more sustainable production.

Analyze and compare real-time data

By collecting data from simple sensors or the PLCs already connected to the manufacturing equipment, it is easy for a production company to get an instant overview of its consumption of resources such as:

  • Electricity
  • Water
  • Energy
  • Heat

By analyzing the data from a historical perspective, it is possible to compare consumption over time and in relation to other parameters influencing the production plant. The company will be able to set measurable targets and follow up on the achievement of those targets on a regular basis. Naturally, there is a chance that the data will show a fully optimized production. But it is more likely that the data collection and analysis will result in previously unidentified optimization potential. A potential that can be realized both to the benefit of the environment and of the bottom line and thereby creating even more room for future sustainable optimization projects.


Digitize the collection of OEE data

Many manufacturing companies work with OEE (Overall Equipment Efficiency) concept. However, data collection is often still done manually which sometimes results in an unreliable and inefficient amount of data.

By digitizing the collection of data on performance, quality, and availability, larger amounts of data can be collected, and the quality of the data will be much higher. With high-quality data available on parameters such as the length and reasons for downtime, manufacturing companies will relatively easily be able to optimize production efficiency and reduce the amount of unplanned downtime. In addition, they will most likely be able to reduce the amount of scrap and waste, improve product quality and plan maintenance much more efficiently than before. In short, by working with digital OEE, companies will be able to produce an increased number of high-quality products with a reduced amount of resources. All something that contributes to more sustainable production.

Easy and cost-efficient solution for visualization of the environmental footprint

By working actively with data collection, companies will not only be able to see their environmental footprint. They will also be able to manage and potentially reduce it.

Data collection is an easy and cost-efficient solution for manufacturing companies to identify potential improvement areas, set ambitious environmental targets, and reduce their environmental impact.

Visualizing the environmental footprint

The dashboards display data on a company's environmental footprint.

The connection between sustainability and digitalization is obvious

Data Intelligence is committed to helping the industry making more sustainable choices.

We have more insights to share

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Talk to

Jane Due Hansen

Business Administrator

+45 25 41 79 04